Label: "monetary policy"

November 09, 2020 17:00

Price boom may slowly come to an end in Hungary, forint could sigh in relief

Inflation data to be released in the morning

mnb epulet
November 03, 2020 13:22

Hungary cenbank buys only HUF 20 bn worth of government securities

MNB hits the breaks

mnb epulet
November 02, 2020 15:38

Matolcsy: We can further expand the central bank's balance sheet

Crisis to be overcome in two years

mnb epulet
October 29, 2020 12:45

Hungary central bank makes no move to prop up the forint

1-week deposit tender announced at 0.75% interest rate again

forint mnb épület sötét magyar jegybank
October 22, 2020 11:56

Hungary central bank does not tighten monetary conditions

1-week deposit rate still 0.75%

100as forint mnb
October 21, 2020 16:05

EUR/HUF at 370 could give Hungary's central bank a headache

New all-time low may be unavoidable

October 20, 2020 15:08

Hungary central bank reveals how long 1-w depo rate can remain the benchmark

Monetary Council releases statement

mnb shutter
October 20, 2020 14:00

Hungary central bank leaves rates on hold

As expected. All eyes on upcoming statement.

forint mnb épület sötét magyar jegybank
October 20, 2020 13:44

Hungary cenbank buys another HUF 40 bn batch of government bonds

Purchase size does not shrink

forint mnb épület sötét magyar jegybank
October 19, 2020 09:29

Uncertainties run high, Hungary cenbank can take any kind of decison

The market is also split

mnb epulet
October 16, 2020 16:15

How much ammo is left in the Hungarian central bank's 'wonder weapon'?

Has the MNB gone all the way already or the real fireworks are still ahead?

October 08, 2020 11:12

Price pressure abated in Hungary, central bank data attest

Major downside surprise in Sept CPI

October 08, 2020 09:00

Hungary's September inflation surprises on the downside

Central bank may now relax

October 07, 2020 09:29

Life in Hungary becoming more expensive even amidst crisis

Analysts expect inflation to remain elevated for a while longer

forint mnb épület sötét magyar jegybank
October 06, 2020 14:31

Hungary central bank tweaks 'wonder weapon'

Key change in the asset purchase programme

October 05, 2020 08:30

Has the price boom stopped in Hungary or the MNB will have to spring into action again?

We'll learn this week how inflation turned out in September

forint mnb épület sötét magyar jegybank
October 01, 2020 15:40

Hungary central bank accepts over HUF 2 trillion in bids in 1-week depo tender

Liquidity reduced by almost HUF 100 billion

MNB épület getty
October 01, 2020 13:59

Hungary cenbank to use 1-week deposit rate as "fast response"

Deputy Governor talks business

MNB épület getty
September 28, 2020 09:29

Hungary rate hike may not be enough to curb HUF easing - analysts

Forint may ease to all-time low, further rate hikes could follow

September 28, 2020 08:35

Will Hungary's central bank raise rates again this week?

That's the hottest issue now